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The Better Learning Podcast is about improving education at all levels - Schools (public, charter, private, independent), Higher Education, & Corporate/Adult Learning. The major theme is to break down the silos and learn from others doing innovative things in education. We highlight innovative programs & initiatives, lessons learned, improvements to educational space, and real-world tactics while getting a deeper understanding of the people behind the innovation. Our guests include Heads of Schools, Superintendents, Principals, Entrepreneurs, Non-profit leaders and other innovators. Kevin Stoller, CEO of & author of Creating Better Learning Environments, is the host.

Dec 28, 2022

What is the biggest challenge your school district has been trying to overcome for years?

In most cases today, School Leaders would say the implementation of innovation that can be felt throughout the school district. We call this, challenging the status quo.

Innovative trends are only going to continue to accelerate in the coming years with the development of artificial intelligence and augmented reality. Why? Because embracing innovation for our students will provide them with the necessary tools to succeed the challenges of the future workplace settings and give them the skills in order to continuing adapting as our world continues to evolve.

That is why many schools like The Meadows School in Las Vegas, Nevada have implemented what we call a Chief Innovation Officer. Joseph Carver, formerly the Director of Technology at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, took over the newly created position back in 2021 with over twenty years of experience in higher and secondary education. In his current position he oversees the direction of Technology, Student Support Services, Enrichment Programing and Professional Development. This past year, The Meadows School launched an aggressive Professional Development program geared toward faculty growth and retention, distributing a quarter of a million dollars across three distinct tracks. Conceived by Carver, the program alleviates faculty loan debt while also subsidizing ongoing learning opportunities.

He is the father of a son, Jay and daughter, Madeline and is married to Dana Randall, the former Director of Debate at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart and an Emory University Key Coach.



Season 6, Episode 31 of the Better Learning Podcast



Kevin Stoller is the host of the Better Learning Podcast and Co-Founder of Kay-Twelve, a national leader for educational furniture. Learn more about creating better learning environments at